How to Find Us

Westcliff Community Works is based in The arc, 2 Lichfield Avenue, Scunthorpe

Feel free to use Google Maps to personalise your directions to us — If you click on “More options”, in the top left of the map, your browser will load Google Maps for you to enter your address and generate a route.

Alternatively you can follow the set of directions we have underneath the map.

Directions from Scunthorpe west and central, coming off the M181:

At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Doncaster Rd/A18,

At the next roundabout take the second exit straight on (0.7 mile)

At the next roundabout (Berkeley Circle), take the 4th exit onto Scotter Rd (1.2 mile)

Take the third turn left onto West Common Lane (0.2 mile) Take the fourth Turn on right onto Swinburne Rd (0.1 mile) at the end of the road turn onto Lichfield Avenue. The arc is on the right hand side of the car park.